
Prediction Through Quantum Dynamics Simulations: Photo-excited Cyclobutanone

Prediction Through Quantum Dynamics Simulations: Photo-excited Cyclobutanone

Abstract: Quantum dynamics simulations are becoming a standard tool for simulating photo- excited molecular systems involving a manifold of coupled states, known as non- adiabatic dynamics.

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Ultrafast electron diffraction of photoexcited gas-phase cyclobutanone predicted by ab initio multiple cloning simulations

Ultrafast electron diffraction of photoexcited gas-phase cyclobutanone predicted by ab initio multiple cloning simulations

Abstract: We present the result of our calculations of ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) for cyclobutanone excited into the S2 electronic state, which is based on the non-adiabatic dynamics simulations with the Ab Initio Multiple Cloning (AIMC) method with the electronic structure calculated at the SA(3)-CASSCF(12,12)/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory.

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