Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

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Our Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The COSMOS EPSRC Programme Grant recognises the importance of equal participation, progression and success for all.

We promote an inclusive and equitable research environment, recognising the value of diversity within our team and collaborators.

COSMOS strives to provide a working, learning and social environment that will enable all our colleagues and collaborators, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion or physical appearance, can contribute fully and excel.

Throughout all our activities, we expect the COSMOS team and external participants to abide by our code of conduct.

Athena Swan Charter

The COSMOS Programme Grant fully supports the Athena Swan charter to promote the careers of women in science. All partner Universities and departments are current Athena Swan Bronze or Silver award holders.

UKRI Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - EPSRC - This link takes you to the UKRI Equality, Diversity and Inclusion site for the EPSRC. Here you can explore the EPSRC’s Action Plan and how the EPSRC is collecting data to understand and address EDI barriers.

UCL Chemistry Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - This link takes you to the UCL Chemistry Department Equality, Diversity and Inclusion pages. Here you can read about the EDI Comittee, mentoring schemes and initiatives to support female, BAME and LGBTQI+ students and researchers